Friday 7 September 2012

HandBag Healthy Essentials when you are on the go!

This week has been adventurous one on work front. I have travelled to Glasgow twice and this meant an early start, walking through unknown streets with the iPhone app Around me guiding me to my destination,  eating on the go, food temptations all around at the station and catching on some reading on my way back!
Waiting for my connecting train to Jordan hill from Glasgow Queen Street............

Lovely view from the window......

Get my hands on the Metro.....

So here I catch an interesting article- 'A coffee a day will keep your work pains away'...
Let me think..........Do I need a coffee to wake me up and keep me going! Have I ever been fixated to the coffee mania?
Even when I had to stay up all night to study for an exam, I used to never feel the need for a coffee, or caffeine. Some friends came up with caffeine magic potions like double strength black coffee with sugar, Chocolate over dose and the list went on...But with the caffeine came in the sugar and a lot of unwanted calories as well as heart burn!
So what do I have in my handbag....Have a sneak Peek!

They are my essentials ...Water, Fruit (a peach here), Ryvita (Cracked Black Pepper Crispbread made of whole grain Rye Flour)
It took me less than a second to gather these  and throw in my bag! (Took me more time to click a snap of them while rushing through last minute things ;-))


Ryvita are wholegrain rye crispbreads that come in so many yummy varieties like original, sweet onion, dark rye, sesame, multigrain, sunflower seed and oats, pumpkin seed and oats, fruit crunch, hint of chilli, Mediterranean herb and cracked black pepper.
Nutritional Facts of Ryvita per slice
Energy- 38 Kcal
Protein- 1.0 g
Carbohydrate- 7.3 g
Of which sugar- 0.3 g
Fat- 0.2 g
Of which saturates- trace
Fibre– 1.6 g
Sodium- 0.02 g
This helped me snack on healthy stuff when there were hot puffs, muffins, cookies, chips and many more easy temptations around.
That is my shadow in the mirrors on the way back home! Still have a lot of things on my To Do List...Writing this post off the list now!

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