Wednesday 12 September 2012

Kitchen Tip: Storing Fresh Herbs

 I like using fresh herbs (more often coriander and mint leaves) in most of my dishes...and sure many of you'll must be too!

I grow mint and thyme in my kitchen garden, and I have to say they grow so well without much effort. But still need to buy packaged fresh herbs like corriander quite often.
Buying fresh herbs can be fairly expensive and I end up using  only a small amount for the two of us and   leaving the rest to turn into green goo. So I thought saving the herbs can be a worthwhile endeavour.
One way that I have seen my mom storing these herbs was cleaning the leaves and keeping them in air tight container. It somehow doesn't work for me as I find that they still get sticky, wither and die.
So looked up in some books on kitchen tips and found a doable solution.....roll up the cleaned leaves, but not washed in a piece or two of kitchen paper. Then slightly damp the paper towels and store them in zip lock bags. That is your herb sorted! I did this for my coriander last week , here are few snap shots for you'll to see.

The herbs last longer this way....around 2 -3 weeks. So keep your fresh herbs fresh for longer!

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